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(English) Ukraine on Fire, April 18

Russian Army manpower losses as of April 18: 456, 960

Children killed (according to the Prosecutor General Office of Ukraine): 543

Rutte offered to buy Patriot systems from NATO countries in order to provide them to Ukraine

“We know that many countries maintain large inventories of Patriot systems, perhaps unwilling to supply them directly. We can buy systems from them, we can deliver them to Ukraine, we have the money. This is very important,” Mark Rutte, the prime minister of the Netherlands said.

US House speaker Johnson moving forward with Ukraine aid bill

Speaker Mike Johnson announced Wednesday he is sticking with his plan to put a series of foreign aid bills on the floor, including funding for Ukraine, after facing significant pressure from hardliners. Overall, the bill will send $61 billion to Ukraine and regional partners, $23 billion of which will go to replenishing US stockpiles. Loans are through approximately $7.9 billion in economic assistance to Ukraine and another $1.6 billion in assistance for Europe, Eurasia and Central Asia.

Denmark breaks new ground, funding domestic Ukrainian arms production

Denmark becomes the first donor of Ukraine’s ZBROYARI initiative, which aims to boost domestic arms production. The news was reported by Ukraine’s Ministry of Strategic Industries. Minister Oleksandr Kamyshin who stated that the amount in question is $28.5 million. The ministry clarified that this is the first and unprecedented decision where military products for Ukraine’s Defense Forces are procured from Ukrainian manufacturers using funds from another country.

Ukraine increases domestic Bohdana howitzer production to 10 units per month

Zelenskyy announced that Ukraine has increased its monthly output of the indigenous Bohdana self-propelled howitzer from 6 units to 10 this month backed by domestic contracts, with plans for further increases.

G7 ministers fail to agree on Russian asset use for Ukraine aid

G7 finance ministers were unable to reach a consensus on how to handle more than €260 billion in frozen Russian assets, despite pressing needs to finance Ukraine’s defense against ongoing Russian aggression. Christine Lagarde, President of the European Central Bank, has raised legal concerns regarding the US-backed proposals to leverage these assets for raising debt, Financial Times reported.

Over 2,000 imported components found in Russian Su-series fighter jets

Russia’s military-industrial complex remains heavily dependent on imported technologies, particularly for advanced weapon systems like fighter jets. An exclusive list obtained by Ukrainian intelligence from Russia’s domestic military suppliers reveals over 2,000 foreign electronic components used in the “brains” of Russian Su-series fighter jets, including models like the Su-27SM3, Su-30SM, Su-34, Su-35S, and the next-generation Su-57.



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