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(English) Ukraine on Fire, April 19

Russian Army manpower losses as of April 19: 457, 830

Children killed (according to the Prosecutor General Office of Ukraine): 545 (+2)

Morning strike on Dnipro: 35 people injured, seven dead

On April 19, Russian occupiers launched a missile strike on Dnipro. Missiles hit residential areas causing a fire in a five-story building. As of 4 pm there are a total of seven dead and 35 injured in the region. At least three children aged 6, 8 and 14 have reportedly been killed. 

Tu-22M3 strategic bomber downed 300 kilometers from Ukraine

One of the Tu-22M3 strategic bombers which carried out a missile strike against Ukraine overnight on 19 April was downed as a result of a special operation by Defense Intelligence of Ukraine in cooperation with the country's Air Force. This was the first successful destruction of a strategic bomber in the air during a combat mission amid Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine. 

CIA Director warns Ukraine can lose war in 2024 without US aid

CIA Director William Burns delivered a stark warning to US lawmakers on 18 April, stating that Ukraine could lose the war against Russia by the end of 2024 if Congress fails to approve crucial military assistance stalled for months. Speaking at an event at the George W. Bush Presidential Center, Burns emphasized the importance of passing the supplemental aid bill that would dedicate billions to Ukraine’s war efforts.

Azov Commander asks to be removed from blacklists blocking supply of Western weapons

Denys Prokopenko, the Commander of the Azov Assault Brigade, has called for the brigade to be removed from the US Appropriations Bill, which prohibits Azov from receiving Western weaponry. Since 2017, and to this day, a number of US Consolidated Appropriations Bills have contained the following amendment: ‘None of the funds made available by this Act may be used to provide arms, training, or other assistance to the Azov Battalion’. “This amendment is the reason why Azov was not equipped with the most advanced Western-supplied weapons during the defense of Mariupol in 2022,” Prokopenko said.

Stoltenberg: NATO to step up air defense aid to Ukraine

NATO allies agreed to increase military aid to Ukraine, including providing more air defense systems, stated NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg after the NATO-Ukraine Council meeting. Stoltenberg said the alliance has identified available air defense resources across NATO territory that can be given to Ukraine, such as the SAMP/T system in addition to Patriot systems.

Speaker Johnson called Russia, Iran and China the new 'axis of evil'

Johnson's statement came after the U.S. House of Representatives approved bills on assistance to Ukraine and Israel in a procedural vote on Friday. The final vote on them is due to take place on Saturday.



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