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(English) Ukraine on Fire, August 26

Russian Army manpower losses as of August 26: 608, 820

Children killed (according to the Prosecutor General Office of Ukraine): 570 (+1)

Russia's largest attack: Ukraine's defense forces destroy over 200 out ot 236 Russian missiles and drones

On the night of 25 August and on the morning of 26 August 2024, the Russians launched a large-scale combined attack on Ukraine's critical infrastructure, in particular on the country's fuel and energy sector, using various types of air-, land- and sea-based missiles. Russia launched 236 aerial weapons and Ukraine’s air defense downed 102 missiles and 99 attack drones.

Russians hit Kyiv Hydroelectric Power Plant, damage reported

Russian forces launched missiles and drones on the Kyiv Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP) during the 26 August attack on Ukraine. However, Kyiv regional authorities reported that the Kyiv HPP did not sustain any significant damage.

Ukrainian Foreign Minister says partners can make two crucial decisions to help after Russian missile attack

"There are two specific decisions that our partners can make to help us put an end to Russian terror sooner. First, affirming Ukraine's long-range strikes on all legitimate military targets on Russian territory. Second, agreeing to use partners' air defense capabilities to shoot down missiles and drones close to their airspace," Kuleba said.

Drone possibly flew into Polish territory during mass Russian attack on Ukraine, Polish military says

An unidentified airborne object, likely a drone, probably flew into Polish territory in the morning of Aug. 26 amid a mass Russian attack across Ukraine, Polish military officials said. The Polish Operational Command said earlier in the day that Polish and other allied jets were active in the southeastern part of the country amid the Russian attack on Ukraine.

Power outages in Moldova after massive Russian attack on Ukraine

Moldova’s electricity operator, Moldelectrica, reported disruptions in the energy system following a Russian morning attack on Ukrainian critical infrastructure. This incident highlights the interconnectedness of energy systems in the region and the potential for cross-border impacts from military actions.

Negotiations with Ukraine have now lost their relevance, Kremlin says

The Kremlin is skeptical about the talks between Russia and Ukraine, given their "loss of relevance," Russian state-controlled news agency RIA Novosti reported on August 26, citing Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov. Peskov's statement comes amid an ongoing Ukraine's incursion in Russia's Kursk Oblast, which started in early August. As of August 20, the Ukrainian military said it controlled 1,263 square kilometers and 93 settlements, including the town of Sudzha.

Explosion and fire occur at Russia’s largest oil refinery in Omsk

It still remains unclear if Ukraine was involved in the explosion at Russia’s biggest oil refinery, located over 2,000 km from the Ukrainian border, but this incident comes amidst increased Ukrainian drone attacks on Russian oil infrastructure.



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