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(English) Ukraine on Fire, December 15

Russian Army manpower losses as of December 15: 343, 890

Children killed (according to the Prosecutor General Office of Ukraine): 512 

Orbán blocks EU €50 billion budget spending for Ukraine

President of the European Council Charles Michel emphasized that the topic of the discussion was not only the financing of Ukraine. EU leaders were offered a "mega package" for approval, which included funding for support to Ukraine, migration program spending, and the EU Solidarity Fund and defense. Only one country failed to agree to this decision. Only Hungary opposed this decision. 

EU decision on €50 billion for Ukraine is conceptually made

Despite voting results, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine believes that the EU summit did reach a "fundamental decision" to create a €50 billion Ukrainian Facility for 2024-2027.

443,000 Russian military personnel are deployed in Ukraine

The Defense Intelligence of Ukraine has reported that as of December 15, 443,000 Russian military personnel are fighting in Ukraine. Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that 617,000 Russian servicemen are involved in fighting against Ukraine at the front.

U.S. Senate to vote on aid package for Ukraine next week

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer revealed that the Senate is postponing its scheduled break, which started Friday, and will reconvene on Monday to provide negotiating parties with additional time to hammer out an agreement. Emphasizing the strategic importance of the initiative, Schumer highlighted that the global community is closely watching these events unfold.



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