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(English) Ukraine on Fire, February 1

Russian Army manpower losses as of February 1: 386, 230

Children killed (according to the Prosecutor General Office of Ukraine): 521 

EU leaders agreed on Ukraine Facility program, worth €50 bln 

All 27 leaders have agreed on an additional package of support for Ukraine in the amount of 50 billion euros within the EU budget, European Council President Charles Michel said. On the basis of the Commission annual report on the implementation of the Ukraine Facility, the European Council will hold a debate each year on the implementation of the program with a view to providing guidance. According to media reports, the decision to debate the programme and possibly revise the financial framework in two years is a compromise to avoid a veto by Viktor Orbán, Hungarian Prime Minister.

Zaluzhnyi: Our goal must be to seize the moment

In an article for CNN, Valerii Zaluzhnyi, Commander-in-Chief of Ukraine's Armed Forces, has outlined three major goals on which efforts should be focused in the war against Russian aggression. According to Zaluzhnyi, Ukraine already has the capabilities to destroy the Russians and ensure the existence of statehood."Our goal must be to seize the moment – to maximize our accumulation of the latest combat capabilities, which will allow us to commit fewer resources to inflicting maximum damage on the enemy, to end the aggression and protect Ukraine from it in the future," Zaluzhnyi emphasized.

Minister of Defense: Ukraine faces 'critical' shortage of artillery shells

Ukraine's defense minister has warned allies of a "critical" shortage of artillery shells at the front as Russia deploys three times the firepower to the frontline every day. Umerov called on EU allies to do more to fulfill their pledge to deliver one million artillery shells. According to him, Ukraine needs to at least match the firepower used by Russia. 

Defense Intelligence unit sinks Russian corvette Ivanovets in Crimea

That night, the Defense Intelligence destroyed the Ivanovets missile boat of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, using naval drones. The ship rolled to the stern and sank. A search and rescue operation was conducted by the Russian occupiers, which was unsuccessful.

US not against Ukraine's membership in NATO, Biden supports it – Department of State

The US Department of State has denied that President Joe Biden’s administration purportedly opposes Ukraine's membership in NATO. In response to a journalist's question as to why the US administration opposed Ukraine's membership of the Alliance despite the reported support of most member countries, Miller rejected such claims.



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