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(English) Ukraine on Fire, February 19

Russian Army manpower losses as of February 19: 403, 720

Children killed (according to the Prosecutor General Office of Ukraine): 527

Russians shot wounded Ukrainian POWs in Avdiivka after agreeing to exchange them

Wounded Ukrainian soldiers who were surrounded in the Zenit defense position were shot by the Russians despite a promise to evacuate them, the 110th Separate Mechanised Brigade, which had been defending Avdiivka, has reported. Due to the complete encirclement of the Zenit stronghold, it was decided to contact the coordination center and organizations that conduct prisoner swap negotiations. Russians agreed to evacuate and assist wounded Ukrainian soldiers, and subsequently to exchange them. Then, according to the 110th Brigade, Russians killed all six prisoners of war.

Russian pilot who surrendered helicopter to Ukraine found shot dead in Spain

Russian pilot Maxim Kuzminov, who transferred a Russian Mi-8 helicopter to Ukrainian territory in the summer of 2023, has been found dead in Spain. Kuzminov received a reward of US$500,000 and decided to move to Spain instead of staying in Ukraine. His death was confirmed by the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine.

Ukraine's Air Force shoots down two more Russian warplanes

Ukraine’s Air Force destroyed two more Russian aircraft on the morning of Monday, 19 February: a Sukhoi Su-34 fighter-bomber and a Su-35 fighter jet. In total Russians lost six aircraft in just three days. 

“20 Days in Mariupol” wins BAFTA “Best Documentary” award

On 18 February, the film “20 Days in Mariupol” directed by Mstislav Chernov won the Best Documentary category at the British Academy of Film and Television Arts  Awards. The Ukrainian documentary tells the story of the first weeks of fighting in Mariupol. It includes footage of Russian shelling and the bombing of a maternity hospital. 

Pistorius: Russia’s attack on NATO territory may occur in five to eight years

German Defense Minister Pistorius urges US legislators to approve the $60+ billion aid package for Ukraine, as billions in deals between German and American defense contractors now hang in the balance as lawmakers obstruct crucial Ukraine military aid. “I don’t like to look into the crystal ball,” he said. “I can’t predict if and when an attack on NATO territory might occur. But it could happen in five to eight years,” Pistorius said in an interview given during the Munich Security Conference.



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