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(English) Ukraine on Fire, January 23

Russian Army manpower losses as of January 23: 377, 820

Children killed (according to the Prosecutor General Office of Ukraine): 520 

Russia launches missile attacks on the Ukrainian capital Kyiv and Kharkiv

Ukraine's Air Force and Defense Forces destroyed 21 missiles of various types from 41 air targets used by Russians to attack Ukrainian cities on the morning of January 23, according to the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Valerii Zaluzhnyi. In Kharkiv, 30 km from the Russian-Ukrainian border, multi-storey buildings were hit. Several fires broke out in Kyiv. As of 10 am at least 20 people were injured. 13 people were taken to hospital, including three children. One person was killed.

Morning attack on Kharkiv: 8 civilians killed, including child 

At the moment, 8 civilians killed in a Russian missile strike in Kharkiv, 51 more people are injured. Rescue efforts continue. Rescuers pulled the body of an 8-year-old girl from under the rubble. According to preliminary information it was a Kh-22 missile, which air defense cannot shoot down. 

20 Days in Mariupol documentary nominated for Oscars

20 Days in Mariupol is a documentary based on the footage shot by war correspondent, photographer and videographer Mstyslav Chernov in the Russian-encircled city of Mariupol. The film consists of footage that Chernov and a team of Associated Press photojournalists sent to the world media, describing the events in Mariupol: the deaths of children and adults, the creation of mass graves, a maternity hospital destroyed by a Russian airstrike, and other Russian war crimes.

Pentagon chief opens 18th Ramstein meeting: Ukraine's fight matters to all of us

US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin opened the 18th meeting of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group (also known as the Ramstein-format meeting) on 23 January, stressing the importance of sustained support for Ukraine in the face of the full-scale Russian aggression. Austin, who joined the opening meeting via a video call, stressed that the meeting participants had gathered to "reaffirm our support for a free, secure, and sovereign Ukraine, and to ensure that we continue to get Ukraine the capabilities that it needs, for the winter and beyond".



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