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(English) Ukraine on Fire, July 1

Russian Army manpower losses as of July 1: 543, 810

Children killed (according to the Prosecutor General Office of Ukraine): 551

Russia illegally holds under arrest over 14,000 Ukrainian citizens

Ukrainian Human Rights Ombudsman Dmytro Lubinets reports that Russia is illegally holding over 14,000 Ukrainian citizens. Lubinets said that efforts to secure their return are “the most difficult work,” especially for civilian detainees. He explained that, unlike prisoner exchanges for military personnel, there is no established process for returning civilian detainees.

Russian missile strike in Kyiv damages buildings and injures residents

On the evening of June 30, Russia launched a missile attack on Kyiv and its surrounding region. Debris from intercepted missiles damaged a 14-story building in the Obolonskyi district of Kyiv, causing injuries and structural damage, according to local officials. Kyiv's healthcare providers report six injuries at the impacted residential site: four women, an 11-year-old girl, and a man, said Mayor Vitali Klitschko.

Group of people who planned to take over Verkhovna Rada detained in Kyiv

Law enforcement officers detained a group of people who were preparing provocations in Kyiv on June 30. The perpetrators, in particular, planned to seize the building of the Ukrainian parliament, reported the Security Service of Ukraine and the Prosecutor General's Office. The investigators established that a group of people conspired to hold a so-called assembly in Kyiv on June 30, in which they wanted to "elect the interim government" of Ukraine, seize the building of the Verkhovna Rada, block its work and "remove the state leadership from performing their duties."

Ukrainians to experience energy deficit until 2026 - IMF memorandum

Energy deficit in Ukraine, caused by devastating Russian attacks on energy infrastructure, will persist until 2026, the IMF updated memorandum on economic and financial policy wrote on June 28. This forecast says Ukraine will need at least a year and a half to eliminate the electricity deficit after the Russian strikes, providing that no new attacks take place.

Belarus threatens to use nuclear weapons if "independence" is threatened

Belarus' Chief of General Staff Pavel Muraveyka has threatened to use tactical nuclear weapons "if the country's sovereignty and independence are threatened". He also accused Poland of inciting a situation at the Belarusian-Polish border, through which illegal migrants enter Poland from Belarus.



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