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(English) Ukraine on Fire, July 17

Russian Army manpower losses as of July 17: 562, 510

Children killed (according to the Prosecutor General Office of Ukraine): 561

95 Ukrainian prisoners of war return from Russian captivity, including Azovstal defenders

Many of the 95 Ukrainian servicemen released in the 17 July exchange are grappling with injuries and chronic illnesses, which sheds light on the harsh conditions in the Russian captivity, according to the Ukrainian Coordination Headquarters. This exchange was already the 54th since the beginning of Russia’s full-scale invasion. 

The Economist: Russia runs out of Soviet-era tanks and artillery

Western analysts report that Russia has decommissioned weapons accumulated during the Soviet era, but up to 70% of old tanks have not been moved, and the rest have been refurbished and passed off as new. The Russians are also removing artillery barrels from old equipment and installing them on self-propelled howitzers. If this continues, Russia will reach a "critical point of depletion" in 2025.

Oil supply to Hungary by Russian energy giant Lukoil ceases due to Ukrainian sanctions

Russian energy giant Lukoil has stopped transporting oil to Hungary since the end of June 2024 after Ukraine's National Security and Defense Council (NSDC) extended sanctions against it. "There’s now a legal situation in Ukraine based on which Lukoil is not currently delivering to Hungary. Now we’re working on a legal solution," Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó told reporters after a meeting with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov.

NATO has appointed a senior representative in Ukraine

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg announced the appointment of the Allianceʼs senior representative in Ukraine. This is Patrick Turner. Previously, at various times, he was Assistant Secretary General of NATO for Operations, Defense Policy and Planning, and held a number of senior government posts in the UK.

European Parliament condemns Orbán's "peacemaking" efforts in resolution supporting Ukraine

495 MEPs out of 679 who voted supported the resolution. Therefore, they have reaffirmed their backing for Ukraine's "independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity, as recognized by the international community." Specifically, the resolution denounces Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's recent trip to Russia. The document emphasizes that "during this visit, he did not represent the EU" and considers "this visit a flagrant violation of EU treaties and common foreign policy."



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