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(English) Ukraine on Fire, July 25

Russian Army manpower losses as of July 25: 571, 350

Children killed (according to the Prosecutor General Office of Ukraine): 561

Relatives of Ukrainian POWs: Russia returns bodies without internal organs during exchanges

According to the relatives of Ukrainian prisoners of war, Russia has returned the bodies of Ukrainian soldiers without internal organs. As reported by Ukrinform, this was discussed at a meeting in Ankara between representatives of the Ukrainian families of prisoners of war and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to Türkiye Vasyl Bodnar. The return to Ukraine of the bodies of prisoners of war without internal organs may be evidence that they are used in Russia for transplantation. “We receive not only tortured bodies, but also bodies that, unfortunately, have no organs,” a wife of one of the prisoners said.

Ukraine's National Guard Commander: Russians will exhaust capabilities and shift to defense within month

Brigadier General Oleksandr Pivnenko, Commander of the National Guard of Ukraine, believes that Russian troops will lose their ability to conduct active offensives on multiple fronts simultaneously within a month to a month and a half, and they will shift to a defensive position. "We need to adapt, change our management model, set tasks: if something doesn't work, try an asymmetric approach. But you can't change everything drastically; it takes time, especially when it comes to systemic changes," he stated. 

European Commission stalls on Hungary-Slovakia request over Ukraine’s Lukoil sanctions

The European Commission has delayed its decision on Hungary and Slovakia’s plea for EU intervention in their dispute over Ukraine’s Lukoil sanctions, with both countries, exempt from the EU-wide Russian oil ban. No EU member states reportedly support their position.

Romanian foreign minister confirms Shahed drone fragments were found in Romania

Luminița Odobescu, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Romania confirmed that wreckage of Russian drones were found on Romanian territory. She added that Romania informed its allies about the incident and coordinated its actions with them. "Romania strongly condemns these irresponsible actions," she stressed.

Ukraine's power grid stabilizes with early nuclear unit reconnection

The situation in Ukraine’s power grid has improved due to the early reconnection of a nuclear unit, which was brought back online nearly two weeks ahead of schedule, the Energy Ministry said on July 25.



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