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(English) Ukraine on Fire, March 11

Russian Army manpower losses as of March 11: 424, 980

Children killed (according to the Prosecutor General Office of Ukraine): 528 

'20 Days in Mariupol' wins Oscar for Best Documentary

The film "20 Days in Mariupol," directed by Ukrainian journalist Mstyslav Chernov, won the Oscar for Best Documentary at the 96th Academy Awards on March 10. The documentary records the Russian siege of Mariupol from the perspective of Chernov and his crew during the first weeks of the full-scale invasion. "I wish I had never made this film," he said. "I wish to be able to exchange this to Russia never attacking Ukraine, never occupying our cities. I wish to give all the recognition for Russia not killing tens of thousands of my fellow citizens."

Ukraine builds 2000 kilometers of fortifications in three lines

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has convened a meeting of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief's Staff on 11 March to discuss urgent issues, such as the situation at the front, weapon supplies and fortifications construction. One of the main topics discussed was fortifications. Ukraine plans to build a three-lane defense stretching 2,000 kilometers.

Polish protesters and police begun stopping passenger buses carrying Ukrainians

Polish protesters, in cooperation with local police, have begun stopping passenger buses traveling to and from Poland, as a part of border protests. Ukraine's Infrastructure Minister Oleksandr Kubrakov reported. Kubrakov called such actions against Ukrainians unacceptable because as the war in Ukraine rages on, the passengers of such buses are "women with young children, socially vulnerable categories, military personnel returning or going to training, and people in transit".

Ukraine starts talks with US, EU regulators to restore air service

Ukraine has officially started negotiations on the restoration of air travel with American and European safety regulators, Infrastructure Minister said. The sky over Ukraine has been closed since the start of the all-out war in 2022 due to Russia's consistent aerial attacks across the country.

Russia threatens to deport Ukrainians without Russian passports from occupied areas

Russia is aggressively Russifying occupied Ukrainian territories by compelling residents to obtain Russian passports, threatening deportation for non-compliance, and integrating the regions into its military structure, according to the British Defense Ministry’s intelligence update.



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