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(English) Ukraine on Fire, May 13

Russian Army manpower losses as of May 13: 484, 030

Children killed (according to the Prosecutor General Office of Ukraine): 546

Battle for Vovchansk ongoing, Russians have tactical success – Ukraine's General Staff

The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has noted that the operational situation on the Kharkiv front remains difficult and is changing dynamically, but the Russians are having tactical success in the battle for Vovchansk. As of 5 pm the Defence Forces inflicted fire on the Russians, drove them back and conducted a mop-up operation on the northern outskirts of the village. 

Russian army mistakenly bombs Belgorod in another friendly fire incident

The Russian army accidentally dropped a FAB-500 bomb on its own territory in Belgorod, according to reports from local residents to emergency services. Belgorod Oblast has been a frequent staging ground for attacks on Ukraine’s Kharkiv. This follows a May 12 incident where an apartment entrance collapsed in Belgorod, killing 19. Russia blamed Ukrainian shelling, but independent analysts noted the blast pattern suggested an internal detonation.

Putin has found replacement for Russia's current defense minister

Vladimir Putin has proposed that Andrei Belousov, his top aide, former Minister of Economic Development in 2012-13, should be appointed as Russia’s new defense minister, replacing Sergei Shoigu. At the same time, RIA Novosti is reporting that Putin has appointed Shoigu as Secretary of Russia’s Security Council and has dismissed the previous Secretary, Nikolai Patrushev, "in connection with his transfer to another position".

Missiles hit Russian air defense base in Crimea, killing military unit commander

Several missiles (presumably Storm Shadows) attacked the military unit No. 85683 located on Mount Ai-Petri in Crimea at around 06:00 on Monday, 13 May, Astra reported, citing sources in Russian emergency services in occupied Crimea. The mountain is home to a secret air defense base of the 3rd Radio Engineering Regiment of Russia's Armed Forces. According to the media reports, the missiles damaged the premises of the military unit, killing its commander, Alexander Kulakov, and another soldier.

Forbes: Russia hires mercenaries against Ukraine in at least 21 countries

According to a report by Forbes Ukraine citing intelligence sources in Ukraine’s Defense Intelligence Russia is engaged in an extensive global recruitment drive to enlist foreign mercenaries from at least 21 countries to fight in its ongoing war against Ukraine. This recruitment drive extends globally, targeting economically challenged nations like Cuba, Nepal, and Central Asian countries.



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