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(English) Ukraine on Fire, May 21

Russian Army manpower losses as of May 21: 495, 070

Children killed (according to the Prosecutor General Office of Ukraine): 546

All Western aid decisions for Ukraine lag by one year – Zelenskyy

Western countries are extremely slow in making decisions on military aid to Kyiv, hampering Ukraine’s armed forces, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said in an exclusive Reuters interview on the fifth anniversary of taking office. Zelenskyy cited the American Patriot air defense systems as an example, saying if they had been provided early when Russia had few drones and mainly used missiles, Moscow would have seen their missiles being shot down, making strikes on Ukraine’s energy infrastructure pointless.

My five-year term is not over yet – Zelenskyy on presidency

Asked to assess his own work done within the span of the five years of presidency, Zelenskyy replied: "My five years are not over yet, they continue because of martial law". Zelenskyy added that he was glad to be the president of a nation that did not turn tail, and accepted the challenges it faced. "I’m proud that I’m the president of Ukraine, this is my attitude towards these five years," he said.

EU Council approves confiscation of profits from Russian assets in favor of Ukraine

"The EU Council has confirmed its consent to using proceeds from the immobilized assets of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in favor of Ukraine. Annual revenues are expected to amount to approximately €2.5-3 billion. 90% of the expected revenues will be used for military purposes to support the defense of Ukraine," the report says.

Russian authorities in occupied territories want to seize over 13,000 "ownerless" houses

The Russian occupation authorities have recognised thousands of apartments and houses in the Russian-occupied territories of Ukraine as "ownerless property" and intend to seize them for the state. Novaya Gazeta Europe estimated that over three years, the Russian authorities have identified 13,300 "ownerless" properties, half of which were identified in the first half of 2024.

Ukrainian forces strike Russian Tsiklon corvette in Crimea – Ukraine's General Staff

Ukraine’s General Staff has confirmed that Tsiklon, a Russian missile boat that carries Kalibr missiles, was struck in the Russian-occupied city of Sevastopol, Crimea, on the night of 18-19 May. 

US Defense Secretary Austin reaffirms restrictions on Ukraine’s use of American weapons in Russia

Following the Ukraine Defense Contact Group meeting on 20 May, US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin reiterated that the White House will not approve Ukraine’s use of US-provided weapons for strikes against military targets in Russia. The US defense secretary noted that “the aerial dynamic is a little bit different,” possibly hinting on the future F-16 usage, but said he would not speculate further.



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