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(English) Ukraine on Fire, May 7

Russian Army manpower losses as of May 7: 476, 460

Children killed (according to the Prosecutor General Office of Ukraine): 546

Russian leader Vladimir Putin's "inauguration" takes place in Russia

The Russian government has held the so-called inauguration of Russian leader Vladimir Putin in the capital of the aggressor country after the non-transparent "elections" organized by the Kremlin. Putin has been the de facto ruler of Russia since 2000 and will be able to rule the country for another 6 years.

Two colonels from Ukraine's State Security Administration detained as Security Service reports plot to assassinate Zelenskyy

“The enemy was actively developing plans to eliminate President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. One of the tasks of the FSB's intelligence network was to find perpetrators among the military close to the president's security detail who could take the head of state hostage and then kill him,” Press service of the Security Service of Ukraine reported. Two colonels from the State Security Administration (SSA) are suspected of treason and aiding and abetting a terrorist attack.

Some 50% of Russian-launched North Korean missiles went off-course and blew up mid-air

Ukrainian state prosecutors analyzed debris from 21 out of roughly 50 North Korean ballistic missiles launched by Russia at Ukraine, uncovering a 50% failure rate with many detonating mid-air.

Scholz backs using 90% of frozen Russian asset proceeds for Ukraine arms

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz says he supports a European Union proposal to use the vast majority of revenues generated from Russian assets frozen in the wake of Russia’s Ukraine invasion to finance arms purchases for the Ukrainian forces.

Poland to continue paying for 20,000 Starlink terminals provided to Ukraine

Poland will continue paying for subscriptions of over 20,000 Starlink terminals provided to Ukraine, ensuring communication and internet access, Ukraine’s digital minister says.



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