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(English) Ukraine on Fire, September 11

Russian Army manpower losses as of September 11: 269, 210

Children killed (according to the Prosecutor General Office of Ukraine): 503

Ukraine regains control of gas and oil drilling platforms off the coast of Crimea in the Black Sea

Defense Intelligence units returned the drilling platforms in the Black Sea, as well as jack-up drilling rigs, to Ukraine’s control. Russia seized this platforms back in 2015. Ukrainian special forces also seized a Russian stockpile of helicopter ammunition and the Neva coastal radar station, capable of tracking ship movements in the Black Sea. After the full-scale invasion began, Russia used these platforms to provide air defense cover for its ships.

This is a bad moment for diplomacy — Zelenskyy

Zelenskyy told The Economist that “some partners may take Ukraine’s recent difficulties on the battlefield as a reason to force it to negotiate with Russia”, but said that “this is a bad moment, since Putin sees the same.” “I have to be ready, my team has to be ready for the long war, and emotionally I am ready,” Zelenskyy said.

Counteroffensive will continue in cold and wet weather — Defense Intelligence Chief

Ukraine’s counteroffensive against Russian troops will continue during the cold and wet weather later this year, despite the fact that it will become harder to fight, Kyrylo Budanov, Ukraine’s Defense Intelligence chief said. In addition to the huge concentration of Russian mines, Budanov cited the large number of small Russian kamikaze drones as a key factor that has so far slowed the progress of the counteroffensive.

EU condemns so-called “elections” in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine

“The European Union does not and will not recognise either the holding of these so-called “elections” or their results. Russia’s political leadership and those involved in organizing them will face consequences of these illegal actions,” said Josep Borrell, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. He added that the illegal so-called “elections” took place in the context of Russia’s forced and illegal granting of passports, including to children, forced transfer and deportation, widespread and systematic human rights violations, as well as intimidation and increased repression of Ukrainian citizens by Russia.

Ukrainian Air Force destroys 13 UAVs launched by Russia overnight

The Ukrainian Air Force brought down 12 of the 12 Shahed loitering munitions launched by Russia towards Zaporizhzhia and Dnipropetrovsk oblasts overnight, as well as one drone of an unidentified type.



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