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(English) Ukraine on Fire, September 20

Russian Army manpower losses as of September 20: 273, 980

Children killed (according to the Prosecutor General Office of Ukraine): 504

President of Ukraine calls for UN reform

During his speech at the UN Security Council, Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that “humanity no longer pins its hopes on the UN when it comes to protecting the sovereign borders of nations”. “The veto in the hands of the aggressor is what has brought the UN to a standstill. No matter who you are, the current UN system makes you less than the veto, which is held by only a few and used by one — Russia.” The second step is to expand the representation of nations in the Security Council. The President mentioned the African Union, Asia, Germany, Latin America, and the Pacific Rim states as examples. The third step is a system of preventing aggression by early-warning efforts. Such measures include “powerful sanctions against the aggressor”.

Zelenskyy urges global unity against Russia in UN General Assembly speech

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has called on world leaders to show unity in the face of Russia’s continued “aggression” in Ukraine, telling the United Nations General Assembly that Moscow is “weaponizing” food and energy. Speaking from the UN headquarters in New York for the first time since the conflict broke out last year, Zelenskyy on Tuesday portrayed the Russian invasion of Ukraine as an existential threat to the global order akin to nuclear weapons.

Ukrainian defenders strike Russian Black Sea Fleet’s command post in Sevastopol

The Armed Forces of Ukraine have confirmed that they successfully attacked the command post of the Russian Black Sea Fleet near Sevastopol on the morning of 20 September.

Unknown saboteurs blow up two aircraft and helicopter in Moscow region — Defense Intelligence

According to Ukrainian intelligence, unknown individuals planted explosives at a thoroughly guarded airbase and blew up an AN-148 and an IL-20 aircraft (both belong to the 354 special purpose air regiment), as well as a MI-28H helicopter which was actively involved in shooting down drones above Moscow region before.

The Verkhovna Rada votes for immediate opening of electronic declarations

The Parliament has voted to open the register of electronic declarations immediately. 341 MPs voted in favor. On September 12, Volodymyr Zelenskyy vetoed the law with the closed register of declarations, saying that the Verkhovna Rada should vote for the bill with this particular amendment.

President of the European Commission praises Ukraine’s progress on Membership Bid

Von der Leyen is convinced that Kyiv will eventually succeed in its membership application. “I see they’re absolutely motivated — this is a decisive moment,” she commented in an interview with Bloomberg. She emphasizes that the process is based on the merits of reforms during the war and declined to give a specific timeline for Ukraine’s accession to the EU.

Polish PM: If Ukrainian authorities escalate the conflict, we will add more products to the ban on entry to Poland

Morawiecki reacted to a statement by Taras Kachka, Deputy Economy Minister of Ukraine, regarding an alleged possible embargo on vegetables and fruits from Poland.



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