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(English) Ukraine on Fire, September 27

Russian Army manpower losses as of September 27: 276, 990

Children killed (according to the Prosecutor General Office of Ukraine): 504

Russian sham trial threatens Azov Battalion members with life sentences

Russia has initiated a fresh trial against members of the Azov Battalion in Rostov-on-Don, with potential life sentences hanging over them, Petro Andriushchenko, an advisor to the Mayor of Mariupol, reported. Andriushchenko said that the Russians intend to convict 24 Azov members with lifelong imprisonment, charging them with “seizure of power by force” and “participation in a terrorist organization.”

Zelenskyy: We have progress on the Donetsk axis

The Ukrainian military is moving forward in the Donetsk sector of the front, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said on Telegram on September 27 after a meeting with senior military commanders. During the meeting, the president received reports on the situation at the front, the supply of equipment and ammunition, and intelligence data.

Ukraine defense chief vows to respond as Russia gears up to target energy grid again this winter

Russia will definitely attack Ukraine's energy infrastructure again this winter, but unlike last year, Ukraine will respond in kind, Ukraine’s new defense minister has said. The minister also commented on the upcoming supply of Western weapons, which he said should "change the game" at the front.

Russia wants to build railway in occupied Donetsk Region to reduce dependence on Crimean bridge

Russian invaders want to build a railway in the occupied part of the Donetsk Region. They plan to connect Donetsk and Mariupol with Taganrog and Rostov-on-Don. It will help Russians to reduce military and civil logistics issues, as well as to reduce the dependence of the group of russian troops on the Crimea bridge.

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, 132 Ukrainian officials have been abducted by the Russian

Since February 24, 2022, the Russian military has abducted 132 representatives of Ukrainian local self-government and government agencies. 14 people are still in captivity, and four were killed.



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