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(English) Ukraine on Fire, September 3

Russian Army manpower losses as of September 3: 618, 960

Children killed (according to the Prosecutor General Office of Ukraine): 570 

Russia strikes Poltava with ballistic missiles, killing at least 51

Russian forces launched two ballistic missiles against the city of Poltava on September 3, killing at least 51 and injuring 219 people, the Prosecutor General's Office reported. The Military Institute of Communications and a neighboring medical facility were hit in the attack. The building of the educational institution was partially destroyed, according to President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. "The time interval between the alarm and the arrival of the deadly missiles was so short that it caught people during an evacuation to the bomb shelter," the Defense Ministry said.

Zelenskyy says Ukraine plans to indefinitely hold Russian territory it has seized

"We don’t need their land. We don’t want to bring our Ukrainian way of life there," Zelenskyy said during his interview. Ukraine will "hold" the territories of the Kursk region as it is integral to his “victory plan” to end the war, Zelenskyy said, adding he will present the proposal to international partners like the United States.

Russian strikes damage overhead power line at occupied Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant

Russian attacks have damaged one of the two overhead power lines at the Russian-occupied Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, the state nuclear energy company Energoatom reported on September 3. The plant was damaged the day before and is currently receiving power from the Ukrainian power grid, according to the agency.

Russia deports 40,000 Ukrainian children, forces assimilation via “patriotic re-education” camps

Russian-installed authorities deported 40,000 children from occupied Ukrainian territories during the summer of 2024, according to the Regional Center for Human Rights. The Regional Center for Human Rights documented the relocation of Ukrainian kids to various locations in Russia, including Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don, and Tula, with some facilities located as far as 8,000 kilometers (4,970 miles) from the Ukrainian border. According to Ukraine’s National informational bureau, Ukraine identified 19,546 deported children, with only 388 of them returned to Ukraine as of September 2024.

Ukraine's strategic industries, justice, and ecology ministers submit resignations

Strategic Industries Minister Alexander Kamyshin, Justice Minister Denys Maliuska and Ecology Minister Ruslan Strilets submitted their resignations to the Ukrainian parliament, Chairman Ruslan Stefanchuk reported on September 3. The Servant of the People's party David Arakhamia said that the reshuffle would affect more than half of the government's staff. "Tomorrow is the day of dismissals, and the day after that is the day of appointments," he added.



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