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(English) Ukraine on Fire, September 4

Russian Army manpower losses as of September 4: 265, 120

Children killed (according to the Prosecutor General Office of Ukraine): 503

Rustem Umerov is to replace Oleksii Reznikov as Minister of Defense

Yesterday Zelenskyy asked the Parliament to replace the Minister of Defense of Ukraine. The president suggested Rustem Umerov, the current head of the State Property Fund of Ukraine, as a candidate for this post. On September 4, Defence Minister Oleksii Reznikov submitted his resignation.

Russian drones crash and detonate in Romania During a night attack on the port of Izmail, Russian drones crashed and detonated in Romania. This was reported by the spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Oleh Nikolenko, citing the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine. At the same time, Romanian Defense Ministry said that Russia's drone attacks did not pose a direct military threat to the country's territory.

UN finds insufficient evidence of genocide in Ukraine

This was announced at a press conference by the Chair of the Commission, Erik Møse. "At this stage, we still have not come to the conclusion that genocide is taking place... This is a question of the intent of the perpetrators. There must be a 'need' to destroy a certain group. And such destruction, according to the Convention, must be physical or biological," said Møse.

Ukraine has dealt with aftermath of Russian terrorist attack on Kakhovka HPP

"Thanks to the coordinated work of specialists from the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, doctors, emergency services, the prompt exchange of information with local authorities and the fact that people listened to restrictions and recommendations, outbreaks of infectious diseases have been avoided," Igor Kuzin, Chief State Sanitary Doctor and Ukraine’s Deputy Minister of Health said. More than 3,000 people with acute intestinal infection were examined for cholera, the disease was not detected in a single case.

The head of the Bundestag committee: Scholz is the only one who blocks the transfer of Taurus missiles to Ukraine

The Head of the Bundestag Defense Committee Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann wrote about this on her Twitter account. "'At this moment' he does not want to deliver Taurus. But 'at this moment' people are still dying in Ukraine," said Strack-Zimmermann. The official calls Scholz's decision "irresponsible".

Erdoğan fails to convince Putin to resume grain deal

Russian President Vladimir Putin, following talks with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, stated that Moscow was not ready to immediately return to the Black Sea Grain Initiative, which it quit in July.



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