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(English) Ukraine on Fire, September 6

Russian Army manpower losses as of September 6: 266, 290

Children killed (according to the Prosecutor General Office of Ukraine): 503

Russians attacked Kostiantynivka: dozens are dead and wounded

The Russian army shelled Kostiantynivka, Donetsk region. The missile stuck the city center, hitting the local market and nearby stores. At the moment, 17 civilians are known to have died, including one child. 32 more were wounded.

Ukrainian parliament appoints Umierov as Defence Minister

The Verkhovna Rada has approved the appointment of Rustem Umierov, the former head of the State Property Fund of Ukraine, as the Minister of Defence of Ukraine. 338 members of parliament supported Umierov’s appointment.

Zelenskyy says he will decide on signing the e-declaration law after further consultation

“I asked Deputy Prime Minister Stefanyshina to hold consultations. After that, I will make a decision. There are two of them,” the President told reporters. The law on the resumption of the declaration is an important condition for the launch of EU accession negotiations and is also a “structural beacon” in the memorandum with the IMF under the Extended Fund Facility programme. On September 5, the Rada reintroduced the declaration for public officials without immediately opening the registry. The National Agency on Corruption Prevention intends to appeal to the President to veto the law due to “a number of contradictory provisions”.

Romania confirms Russian drone debris fell on its territory

Romanian Defence Minister Angel Tîlvăr has confirmed that the wreckage of a Russian drone fell on Romanian territory as a result of the September 5 attack. Tîlvăr says that the Romanian side found debris similar to the remains of a Russian drone near the village of Plauru, which borders Ukraine’s Izmail across the Danube River.



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